See also:



The A-Team was a 1980s TV series, and a more recent movie based on that.
Eugene Ipavec, 2 August 2010

Sheikdom of Sheik Fahd

[Arab sheikdom flag]
image by Joan-Francés Blanc, 11 May 1998

The episode Moving Targets involved rebels trying to block a political marriage between the heirs to two formerly mutually hostile Arab sheikdoms. Barely worth reporting, but a car flag of one of the two was shown, and was simply plain red (though with elaborate gold fringe and tassels.)
Eugene Ipavec, 2 August 2010

This seems to be the plain red flag used by some Persian Gulf states (cf. the red and white flags of the General Maritime Treaty of 1820).
António Martins, 14 October 2011

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